Member News
Is Judicial Independence at Risk Due to Inadequate Resources?
The Judicial Independence Committee's recent survey of CSCJA members has revealed concerns about inadequate resources and their potential impact on judicial independence. The survey results, which have been shared with [...]
Governance Committee Undertakes Comprehensive Bylaw Review
The Governance Committee is engaged in a comprehensive review of the CSCJA's Bylaws to ensure they comply with the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and align with current practices. This review, [...]
Public Education & Access to Justice Committee Launches Social Media Strategy
Recognizing the importance of public outreach and education, the Public Education & Access to Justice Committee is proposing a new social media initiative. This initiative aims to proactively share existing [...]
Supporting Retired Members
The Retired Judges sub-committee is actively seeking ways to better support retired judges and facilitate their ongoing engagement with the CSCJA. Initiatives include addressing the impending transition to Judicloud resulting [...]
Canadian Judges Actively Participate in Successful CMJA Conference in Rwanda
The 2024 Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association (CMJA) annual conference, held in Kigali, Rwanda, proved to be a resounding success, attracting 312 delegates and 41 accompanying guests from 45 jurisdictions. [...]
Canada to Host the ANAO Regional Group of the International Association of Judges
On May 15 and 16, 2025, the Asian, North American & Oceanian regional group will meet in Toronto. The IAJ continues to make a significant impact on respect for the [...]
Insurance and Health Care Feedback
All federally appointed judges in Canada receive health care benefits through the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP). The CSCJA does not provide the health care benefits through the PSHCP. [...]