Category: General News

17 12, 2024

Public Education & Access to Justice Committee Launches Social Media Strategy

2025-01-07T16:57:20+00:00December 17th, 2024|

Recognizing the importance of public outreach and education, the Public Education & Access to Justice Committee is proposing a new social media initiative. This initiative aims to proactively share existing [...]

17 12, 2024

Supporting Retired Members

2025-01-07T16:57:45+00:00December 17th, 2024|

The Retired Judges sub-committee is actively seeking ways to better support retired judges and facilitate their ongoing engagement with the CSCJA. Initiatives include addressing the impending transition to Judicloud resulting [...]

16 12, 2024

Technology Committee Rebrands Annual Program as “Judging in the Digital Age”:

2025-01-07T16:59:19+00:00December 16th, 2024|

Reflecting the growing importance of technology in the courts, the Technology Committee and the National Judicial Institute have rebranded the annual court technology education program as "Judging in the Digital [...]

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Avis : Le contenu de ce site est destiné UNIQUEMENT aux membres de l'Association canadienne des juges des cours supérieures. Il peut contenir des informations confidentielles et/ou privilégiées et exclusives par nature et il est impératif de ne pas les partager, les copier ou les dupliquer de quelque manière que ce soit, en tout ou en partie.

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