Insurance and Health Care Feedback
All federally appointed judges in Canada receive health care benefits through the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP). The CSCJA does not provide the health care benefits through the PSHCP. [...]
All federally appointed judges in Canada receive health care benefits through the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP). The CSCJA does not provide the health care benefits through the PSHCP. [...]
Membership Services & Wellness Committee has been actively working to enhance insurance benefits for members. Through collaboration with The Prosure Group and CSCJA staff, the committee has identified and implemented [...]
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Avis : Le contenu de ce site est destiné UNIQUEMENT aux membres de l'Association canadienne des juges des cours supérieures. Il peut contenir des informations confidentielles et/ou privilégiées et exclusives par nature et il est impératif de ne pas les partager, les copier ou les dupliquer de quelque manière que ce soit, en tout ou en partie.